释放内存(FMR Memory Cleaner) v1.12.1.2 for 金立GBW192
- 《释放内存(FMR Memory Cleaner) v1.12.1.2》详情介绍
释放内存FMR Memory Cleaner(原FreeMemoryRecover)是一款不同于其他进程结束方式的应用,有点像软重启机器,彻底释放内存。
Kill running apps.
Kill services(widgets).
It is automatically started again by the system.
Encourage the system tasks to release memory.
The resident apps and HOME to back immediately after startup with less memory usage.
Gets improved compatibility for Android 3.x/4.0.
Extra high resolution support.
Changed the clean process and handling of process list.
other fixes
以上是“释放内存(FMR Memory Cleaner) v1.12.1.2”这款软件的简介,想了解更多信息就赶紧下载试试吧!
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APK 屏幕尺寸:通用尺寸
适用于(包括但不限于)HTC、三星、索爱、摩托罗拉、LG、华为、中兴等品牌的Android 2.1、2.2、2.3、4.0版本系统,手机屏幕分辨率320x480、480x800、480x854、540x960。
select res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,flag from(select top 11 res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,0 as flag from T_D_Resource where res_is_audit=1 and res_run_flat='Android' and channel_id=5 and default_r_c_id=173 order by newid() )a union select res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,1 as flag from T_D_Resource where res_id=55239 order by flag desc