iPhone式通知(iPhone Notifications) v5.5 for HTC One(801e/16GB)
- 《iPhone式通知(iPhone Notifications) v5.5》详情介绍
Phone Notifications是一款桌面通知应用,界面上实现IOS5的样式,支持通知类型有:- Missed calls : Will show Missed call from [caller] ,Messaging apps (GO SMS, Handsent SMS, Trillian, Facebook Chat, Google Talk, …) : Will show a popup with the ID of the sender and the content of the message9
- Facebook8
- Twitter
- GMail6
- K-9 Mail : Will show the ID of the sender and the subject of the mail
- Status bar : Will show popups such as « USB connected », « Battery low » or « Battery fully charged »
- Dropbox
- Email6
Improved "Not when in foreground" option
Added a "Filter words" option. Notifications containing any of the words will not be shown
以上是“iPhone式通知(iPhone Notifications) v5.5”这款软件的简介,想了解更多信息就赶紧下载试试吧!
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APK 屏幕尺寸:通用尺寸
适用于(包括但不限于)HTC、三星、索爱、摩托罗拉、LG、华为、中兴等品牌的Android 2.1、2.2、2.3、4.0版本系统,手机屏幕分辨率320x480、480x800、480x854、540x960、1280x720。
select res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,flag from(select top 11 res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,0 as flag from T_D_Resource where res_is_audit=1 and res_run_flat='Android' and channel_id=5 and default_r_c_id=173 order by newid() )a union select res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,1 as flag from T_D_Resource where res_id=63057 order by flag desc