altClocks模拟时钟插件 altClocks Analog Clock Widget v1.1 for 三星I9088
- 《altClocks模拟时钟插件 altClocks Analog Clock Widget v1.1》详情介绍
altClocks are minimalist analog clock widgets that complement the style of Android. These clocks are simple, sleek, and a little nerdy. altClocks fit in perfectly in Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean, and can also be used in Froyo, Gingerbread, and Honeycomb as well.
以上是“altClocks模拟时钟插件 altClocks Analog Clock Widget v1.1”这款软件的简介,想了解更多信息就赶紧下载试试吧!
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altClocks模拟时钟插件 altClocks Analog Clock Widget v1.1下载地址下载帮助? 软件怎么安装?
APK 屏幕尺寸:通用尺寸
适用于(包括但不限于)HTC、三星、索爱、摩托罗拉、LG、华为、中兴等品牌的Android 2.2、2.3、4.0版本系统,手机屏幕分辨率320x480、480x800、480x854、540x960、1280x720、1280x800。
select res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,flag from(select top 11 res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,0 as flag from T_D_Resource where res_is_audit=1 and res_run_flat='Android' and channel_id=5 and default_r_c_id=173 order by newid() )a union select res_id,res_name,r_index_id,default_r_i_id,1 as flag from T_D_Resource where res_id=72403 order by flag desc